Thanksgiving and my Dad's birthday fell on the same day this year , we were all supposed to go out of town for the holiday but we all ended up getting sick with a terrible cold that turned into infections for all of us so needless to say it was mellow and all we wanted to do was rest....
My son's birthday is Dec. 7th and we had a Batman birthday party and my Husband's dad and his wife came out for it. I am blessed with wonderful inlaws and I'm so glad they came :)
My daughter's first school Christmas play was this year and she was a cute! She hated it of course and it was really hot in the auditorium so she was really uncomfortable.
My daughter's birthday came soon after and she decided to have a slumber party, which was actually alot of fun. She got to pick 3 girls to stay and they are all really well behaved little girls!
Than came Christmas Eve! One of my most favorite nite's of the year! We go to my parent's house and have dinner and than open's the nite I finally get to relax and have fun and spend time with my family! It's much more fun now that there are 4 children , my nieces are getting Christmas now and it's really fun to watch all of them open the presents.